We urgently need your donations to help us to continue to preserve and protect Chuchini Sanctuary. We receive no government or international funding, so we rely entirely on the support of donations, visitors and volunteers. Your donation today could help rehabilitate an injured, endangered animal and ensure it can be returned to the wild where it belongs.
- $10 USD could provide food for an endangered small animal for a few days
- $50 USD could pay for medicine for an injured animal
- $150 USD could help rehabilitate and release an animal back into the wild
Without your support Chuchini is under greater threat from deforestation and destruction – putting this unique ecosystem in danger. Once the jungle has been destroyed it cannot be rebuilt, it is gone forever.
Many species live only in this region, and nowhere else in the world so once this jungle is destroyed the animals that live here will be gone forever too – that’s why it is so important to protect this area.
You can donate directly through our bank (details below).
- BANCO UNION S.A., Bolivia
- Sucursal Trinidad, Calle Cochabamba #118, Centro, Trinidad
- Nº 16323989, EFREM HINOJOSA GARNICA, Chuchini, Carretera Loma Suarez, Trinidad (Beni), Bolivia, Celular 72821453
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